“It’s 2015, are we really still critical of working moms?”

Daily writing prompt
What are your top ten favorite movies?

There are a lot of movies that I love, but I would like to zero in on movies that tackle business. Here’s my top 10.

  1. The Intern
  2. Catch Me If You Can
  3. Steve Jobs
  4. American Hustle
  5. Jerry Maguire
  6. Up In the Air
  7. The Social Network
  8. The Wolf of Wall Street
  9. The Godfather
  10. Willy Wonka, The Chocolate Factory

Photo by Myke Simon on Unsplash


Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite game (card, board, video, etc.)? Why?

Scrabble is our favorite game as a family. I was in third grade when my father brought home a scrabble board and taught me how to play it. From then on we would play as a family.

I remember my father would take a long time to form and put his words down because he would use all the four corners of a word. LOL. But it was my mother who would win most of the time.

I like how George Deeb of Entreprenuer.com applies the game of scrabble to start-ups.

  1. Look at things from different angles.
  2. Focus on your core competencies.
  3. Look for economies of scale.
  4. Never lose focus on the big picture goal.
  5. Play to win.

Read all about it here.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The Inflation

Daily writing prompt
What bothers you and why?

I know the world’s economy is still recovering from the pandemic, but I can’t help feeling worried about this inflation. High gas prices, high prices of basic commodities, and all. It’s a good thing, my elder son is out of college and is now an engineer, and working; my second son in junior college and on scholarship.

But not everyone is in the same situation. People are working hard to make ends meet, as their salaries are no longer enough to finance their daily needs. Stress level is high, anxiety ensues. I think this is also one of the reasons why mental health comes to fore.

Since, inflation is we have to ride through in the coming months or years, here are a few tips to cope.

  1. Stick to the basics. Buy only what you need.
  2. Cut down on unnecessary subscriptions to services.
  3. Practice delayed gratification. Postpone going on trips, buying luxury items, and dining out.
  4. Check your insurances. Maybe you can already withdraw some amount from it and perhaps invest in high-yield accounts and bonds for savings.
  5. Start a business with a small amount of risk, but has huge demand for goods and results in leverage income.

Photo by NIKLAS LINIGER on Unsplash

Are you a gamer?

Isn’t it that when you are playing a game, you cannot stop until you go on to the next level so that you can access higher levels, unlock new games, and the play becomes more exciting? You play hard, you play aggressively, you play nonstop.

Life is so much like that. Every challenge you conquer is wisdom gained.

Don’t focus on the challenge now but direct your sight to the wisdom you will gain in the end. Be excited about the next level!

Are you tuned in to your customers?

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The reality is, most organizations are more concerned with their outputs than their inputs—making listening a bit of a lost art. Imagine, responding to a friend without taking the time to actually understand what they’re saying first. The same goes for your consumers. Creating a message without considering the wants and needs of customers can achieve the opposite of your goal, and can come off quite insensitive and uninspired.

Conversations are a two-way street; even between brands and consumers. Marketers know that people’s needs and behaviors have shifted dramatically, and will continue to do so over this next year. Online shopping is at its peak, new brand discovery is on the rise and content is more popular than ever. In fact, starting from a place of listening can improve brand trust and ad recall. Which is why it’s the first and most important step to creating a sonic strategy.

Because the secret to being heard, is listening.



This is the pitfall of many. That’s why listen to understand not listen to reply.

*Image is created with Canva.